Yesterday I went to an event organized by the new HP, HP Enterprise. At the end there was a roundtable and open discussion.
One of the (obvious) questions was on what the internal “lessons learned/benefits” were of applying DEVOPS internally at HP. The answer was short and clear: automation and repeatability.
By automation the process you streamline the operations, no room for human mistakes, everything is documented and repeatable. Questions were also about what with common components or database changes used by different applications? I personally didn’t agree with the answer where was stated that you can’t have one database shared by several applications. Would you?
And don’t you want your deploy process to take into account everything: code deployment, database changes, automated testing and much more? And especially shared components? We certainly do!
The architecture of the IKANALM framework we use and the IKANALM phase concept gives us and you all the freedom you need to tailor DEVOPS in such a way it answers your needs, runs the DEVOPS process as you want and much more. For Oracle Data Integrator we have an out-of-the-box solution that allows you to version your code (selective commit and restore), deploy to development, test and production repositories, doing database updates and running tests.
About the author
Hello, my name is René De Vleeschauwer.
Throughout my career I've been responsible for the development of enterprise software. Since 12 years I've been leading the development of IKAN ALM, an open DevOps framework.
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